How Lil Mixins Handles Production and Cross-Contamination
Introducing allergens one-by-one is scary for any parent, without the added fear of cross allergen contamination.
Many doctors recommend early introduction for children who already have other allergies. We take our responsibility to keep your child safe from other allergens seriously.
Here’s how Lil Mixins makes our proteins accessible to as many children as possible.
Step 1: Each Lil Mixins protein powder is made in a separate facility that does not handle the other proteins. The protein powders are then placed into double sealed sacks and shipped to a packaging facility.
Step 2: Upon arrival at the packaging facility, each protein powder is quarantined and kept separate from other products.
Step 3: The protein powders are then packaged into jars or sticks. Our jars are hand packed to eliminate cross contamination from machinery. Our stick packs are run through a machine that is fully washed before and after each run. A complete batch of a single protein is packaged before another protein is run on a different day.
Step 4: At the end of the packaging process, we send samples for analysis to make sure there is no break in the chain.
Our products are labeled to correctly state that they are handled in a facility that handles other allergens, but are clean of unlisted allergens. As a company that supplies multiple products, it would be difficult to not have the different proteins in the same facility at the same time.
Our procedures are regularly reviewed to make sure everyone handling and processing our protein powders understands them and follows them correctly.
If your child has developed a food allergy to one food, that should not prevent them from eating Lil Mixins other proteins to train normal tolerance to those foods.